After generations of farming subsidies and foolish breeding practices, modern cows are no longer capable of functioning within this system. Most cows of today require outside feed, selective grazing, and medicinal support in order to survive and breed, all to the detriment of the soil itself. This has driven a vicious cycle where raising a calorie of food requires more petroleum energy than caloric energy that is contained within that food. To fix the soil we must also fix the cow herself by returning to older genetic strains that allow her to fulfill her dual purpose as a tool for ecosystem management and the production of beef.
We are using Pineywoods cows crossed with good Mashona, Tuli, Aubrac, Murray Grey, Aberdeen Angus and SouthPoll bulls to develop a custom breed that is early-maturing, disease-resistant, requires no medical input, and can be grazed intensively and non-selectively to the betterment of the land.